Special Event


Thank you for choosing the City of Mesquite to hold an event. The City of Mesquite Special Event Ordinance requires a Special Event Permit for a temporary gathering or organized activity that will disrupt the normal expected peace of any area in the City of Mesquite or is outside the established and normal use allowed by zoning, including but not limited to parades, block parties, sales in parking lots or vacant lots, circuses/carnivals, tent sales, car shows, foot races, and walk-a-thons, which are held on private or public property. Events shall not be more than five continuous days in length and shall not occur more than two times within a twelve month period
The city recommends that you do not print brochures, packets, maps, advertisements, etc., or circulate promotional information until you have city approval of the event. The city will not be responsible for those printed materials, promotional items, etc., if dates, locations, and/or other requested services are denied, amended, or changed during the permit process. We want your event to be a success for you, the residence and visitors alike. Please review the information and attachments to ensure a timely process of the permit request.


Event Permit Application Instructions & Processing Requirements

Special Event applications must be submitted to the Business Licensing Office no later than 30 DAYS prior to the scheduled event to allow adequate time for various City Departments to review the details of the permit request and make their recommendations. City staff will review the application during staff meetings, which are held every first and third Wednesday of the month at 8:15 a.m. in the Training Room, on the 2nd Floor of the City Hall, located at 10 East Mesquite Blvd., Mesquite, NV, to determine if approval will be granted. The Applicant or their Representative MUST attend the Staff Meeting to answer any questions staff may have regarding the event.

Check All That Apply


Type of Event

Event Details

Admission fee charged
Is event held on private property?
Will food be served? Please contact Southern Nevada Health Department (702)759-1000
Will alcohol be sold or served?
CITY PERSONNEL/EQUIPMENT RATES (Please be specific about services required)
SITE SET-UP/SOUND Check all that apply


Please draw and upload a detailed plan of how the site will be set up on the day of the event.

The site plan should include:

  • The names of streets, placement of barricades, and/or road closures
  • The areas where participants and vendors/merchants will park
  • Parade forming and disbanding area, bleachers, etc.
  • Vendor and booth placement, tables, etc.
  • Portable Toilets
  • Fencing
  • Stage
  • Indication of direction - North, South, West, East


Special Events that include vendors are required to have a sponsor or promoter. If the vendor is acting as the promoter, the vendor is required to pay license fees for all vendors. If a hotel acts as the promoter, they are required to pay the sales tax to the Nevada Department of Taxation. The organizers or promoters of the event in which a sale is conducted are liable for sales tax to be collected by their exhibitors or vendors. The promoter or organization must obtain a One Time Sales Tax Permit from the Nevada Department of Taxation. Please contact the Nevada Department of Taxation at (702)486-2300 or visit their Web page at www.tax.state.nv.us.
Vendors serving or providing food items must comply with the Southern Nevada Health Department requirements and obtain any required permits from their office. Please contact the Southern Nevada Health Department at (702)346-9161 or visit their Web page at www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org.


INSURANCE: The CITY OF MESQUITE does not provide insurance coverage. Contact your local agent. Applicant/ sponsor insurance policy must provide for the following:

  • This insurance policy will not be cancelled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City of Mesquite.
  • The City of Mesquite is not liable for the payment of any premium or assessment on this policy.
  • The City of Mesquite is named as additionally insured.
  • Name and the date(s) of Event being covered.
  • GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy showing limits of $1,000,000 comprehensive general liability insurance, and $50,000 damage to property.
  • PRODUCTS LIABILITY INSURANCE ENDORSEMENT: (Food or beverage sold or given away, if applicable).
  • Host Liquor Liability Endorsement.
  • Liquor Liability Insurance Endorsement (Alcoholic beverage sold or given away, if applicable).